Saturday, August 6, 2011

Flat Bread Pizza......on the Grill!!!!

One of our favorite things to do during the winter time is make homemade pizza.  There's something special about making dough from scratch, loading it up with your own toppings, and cooking it to that golden goodness.  So what to do in the summer when it's 85, hot and humid, and you don't want to heat up the about using the grill???  It's pretty simple to do, all you need to do is fire up the grill like you normally would, buy some pre-made flat bread (they work perfect as a pizza crust), and choose your cheese and toppings.  In this instance I made my own flat bread on the grill to use as our crust (this will be a post for a later date).

I brushed the flat bread with some olive oil and topped it with some fresh mozzarella, basil and scallions from the garden, salt and pepper, and some thinly sliced tomatoes on mine.

I moved the coals over to one side on the grill to let the pizza cook over an indirect heat - nothing worse than a burn crust.  And covered them up for about 10 minutes.

Once the cheese started to get brown I pulled them off the grill and we dug in.  I was surprised to find the the crust had a nice crunch but it was still nice and chewy on the inside, and the toppings melded together perfectly. 

It went so well that the wife had informed me that she only wants pizza done in this manner from now on....we'll see about that.